Letting go of the rules [Becoming]
After photographing over 100 paper planes, I wanted to take the project a little further. I wondered what would happen if I repeated the cycle of folding > photographing > printing. Meaning: what if I printed the paper plane photos, had them fold into new planes and then photographed these? It’s a cycle that can be repeated endlessly and it somehow reminds me of this notion that nothing is ever wasted in life. Everything we experience, everything we shed from our life: it’s always compost for the new. It’s an endless cycle of birth – death – rebirth. Life is continuously unfolding, like a continuous folding of paper planes.
As usual, I set myself some rules. Most important one was that besides erasing the thin wires that keep the paper planes in place when photographing them, everything shown in my photos has to be physical/real, so not Photoshopped. It’s just that I want to show things as they are. I’m not so interested in the artificial.
But then… I got bored. And so I broke my own rules and started playing around. It turns out I can be interested in digitally manipulating my images after all. See the images above, which resembles a sort of transformation from one recycled paper plane into the other. To me, it resembles a feeling of Becoming. To be continued!
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